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IELTS Speaking Part 1

Part 1 必考话题

1. Hometown[old

2. Work or Study [old

3. Home/Accommodation[old

4. The area you live in[old

Part 1 高频话题


1. Library[old

2. Schools[ol


1. Language [疑似新题

2. Ice cream [疑似新题

3. Rain [疑似新题


4. Bags [疑似新题

5. Music[old

6. Art[old

7. Keys[old

8. T-shirt[old

9. Jewelry[old

10. Outer space and stars[old]

11. Chocolate[old]

12. Social Media[old]


1. Fixing things [new]

2. Favorite day [疑似新题]

3. Day off [疑似新题]

4. Happy things[old]]

5. Weekends[old]

6. Small business[old]

7. Staying up[old]


1. Wild Animals [new]

2. Friends [疑似新题]

3. Teachers [疑似新题]


1. Concentration[new]

2. Health [疑似新题]

3. Ambition [疑似新题]

4. Dream [疑似新题]

IELTS Speaking Part 2&3


1. Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future[new]

2. Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live[疑似新题]

3. Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town[疑似新题]

4. Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time [old]

5. Describe a new development in the area where you live (eg.shopping mall, park...)[old]

6. Describe a noisy place you have been to[old]

7.. Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted[old]


1. Describe a popular person[疑似新题]

2. Describe someone you know who often helps others[疑似新题]

3. Describe someone who moved to your community and brought positive


4. Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with [old]

5. Describe an interesting old person you have met [old]

6. Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with [old]


1. Describe a sports program you like to watch[疑似新题]

2. Describe an invention[疑似新题]

3. Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often[疑似新题]

4. Describe a book that you have read many times[疑似新题]

5. Describe a movie you watched recently that you felt disappointed about[疑似新题]

6. Describe a website you often visit[old]

7. Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult to use[old]

8. Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like [old]


1. Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood [new]

2. Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child[new]

3. Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information[疑似新题]

4. Describe an occasion when you got lost[疑似新题]

5. Describe a traditional festival in your country[疑似新题]

6. Describe an adventure you would like to take in the future[疑似新题]

7. Describe a job that you think is interesting[疑似新题]

8. Describe a game that you played in your childhood[疑似新题]

9. Describe a speech experience that you had[疑似新题]

10. Describe a car journey you had[疑似新题]

11. Describe a time when you missed or were late for an important meeting/event[old]

12. Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young [old]

13. Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something [old]

14. Describe an unusual meal you had[old]

15. Describe a historical period/moment you would like to learn more about [old]

16. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well [old]

17. Describe something you would like to learn in the future[old]

18. Describe your first day at school that you remember[old]

19. Describe something you did that made you feel proud [old]

20. Describe a daily routine that you enjoy[old]

21. Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result [old]

22. Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people[old]

23. Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted [old]


标签: 雅思 题库 电子版 领取 口语
